Get involved
There are numerous ways to support the DC Student Leader Awards, from volunteering as event staff to offering in-kind donations for event production, or becoming an ambassador for the program. Your unique skills and resources can contribute significantly to the success of our program and the experiences of our student leaders.

Please let us know how you'd like to get involved by completing one of the short forms below.
The DC Student Leader Awards program is powered by volunteers. We rely on volunteers to review applications, recruit sponsors, identify partnership and fundraising opportunities, and everything in between. Let us know how you'd like to contribute!
Become an Ambassador
The DC Student Leader Awards program is made successful with the support of our Program Ambassadors. Program Ambassadors are organizations, businesses, or individuals. Ambassadors commit to amplifying content on social media, helping to recruit sponsors, and serving as spokespersons for DC Student Leaders in their community. Let us know if you can step up to be an ambassador below.
amplify our leaders
Donate Supplies
The next generation of leaders deserve to be celebrated! To make the DC Student Leader Awards Ceremony as special as possible for our recipients and maximize the size of our scholarships, we collect donations that contribute to the success of our scholarship program. Your donations help us keep an annual top award of $20,000, and keep our award total of $75,000 in scholarships for DC youth each year!

In the past, we've had donations of flowers, centerpieces, production equipment and lighting, printing, entertainment, and space to host fundraisers. All donations make an impact, regardless of size. Please consider contributing supplies or services below.